Soundarya School

Our Teachers

Learn From Highly Experienced
And Qualified Teachers

At Soundarya teachers are the champions and gaurdian’s of our tremendous success. They sow the seeds of inspiration in their students by creating the grammar of erudition in every class our teaching community of 100 plus pin sustained excellence y enabling the budding minds to reinvent their ‘Aptitude & Attitude’

They speak thus….
“When your ambition is the sky & you have the master road to relish success”

Faculty Development Program

Professional development programs are a regular feature of our curriculum. At Soundarya, we empower our educators by providing them ample in-service training/ workshops quite frequently.

We aim at introducing new classroom delivery practises through such knowledge and skill enhancing courses. Such training programs are arranged by inviting eminent resource teams like TTF-The teacher foundation, to redefine the goal of new century leadership. The brain streaming sessions of debates and discussions can certainly make our educators effective and reflective practitioners of enlightenment and lifelong learners.